Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Cheater Post

Ok, I know I've been MIA lately, but I've moved! Well I'm slowly moving. The good news is that I will be able to have a room for all my crafty endeavors. The bad news is that it's covered with 30 year old wallpaper, has ugly carpet and all in all needs a good makeover after I finish painting/moving into the rest of the house. In the meantime, I was so excited because the other day in the mail I got my prize for winning the January/February FaDSA. It's the Amy Butler Feather Your Nest pattern.

Thanks Finny and Donk! Finny did a great job of picking a pattern that I wouldn't normally buy but ABSOLUTELY LOVE. And perfect timing too. Once I figure out what color I want to paint my room... I can make a matching bedset!

In other news, I need a kick in the pants to start making patterns out of this book. So I am joining the Bend the Rules Sewing Swap. Sign ups are until March 31st, so you can join too!


Ok, next post I promise real photos! (with a lucy update for you, sara!)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Oh Lordy, here we go...

I did it. I signed up for another quilt along. And this one is a big one. I signed up for a Baby Jane quilt along. If you haven't seen this quilt yet, you really should go take a look. This quilt was made by Jane A. Blakely Stickle in 1863. Brenda Papadakis painstakingly made a book with all the quilt blocks in this fabulous quilt and started a wave of Baby Janes that swept through the quilting community. There is a fabulous Dear Jane community, and you can find a lot of information here. When another quilt a long started, I knew I had to join. With a project this big, you need support.
Dear Jane
Now I am not put off by huge projects that take a long time (as can be seen by this and this), but the color scheme is what threw me for this quilt. I love the original, but I tend to like more modern fabrics and brighter colors. After a lengthy discussion with Cheri, we found out that this was a quilt I was going to love, so I better love the fabrics and colors going into it. I remembered one of Hilary's quilts where the colors really stood out for me. After some more searching, I realized that these were mostly colors from a pack of Crayola Markers, Bold edition!
So I am on my way. Book and background fabric are ordered. Crayola Bold Baby Jane, here I come!