Thursday, May 1, 2008

Lucy's a bluie?

Oh my! Is Lucy a bluie? From the Palmetto Welsh Corgi Club website: This is a color fault in the Pembroke Welsh corgi, which means that whatever would naturally be black hair is actually a bluish grey. The pigment of the nose and around the eyes and mouth, as well, are a gun-metal grey, instead of the normal black.

Bluie Lucy?

Oh wait, that's just paint from my walls! Silly Lucy. You are a cutie though (see the sticker on her head?)


Oiyi said...

Oh, Lucy got into the paint! Hahaha...I hope it comes out.

JuLo said...

LOL! OMG, what happened to that poor dog? Hehe. I'll bet whatever she got into she had a lot of fun. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw Lucy's so silly! Good thing it's light blue paint...not something like, green...

Ivy@PaperElixir said...

Hee hee, that's funny! I hope she didn't try to lick that stuff off!

Junie Moon said...

She is so adorable! A sticker on her head and a bit of paint and she's got herself ready for a party. How funny!

J with an ustin said...

She attacked my face with her face, now we are one.

flanthrower said...

That is too funny. I bet that was a fun doggy bath! Did the paint come out?