Wednesday, July 23, 2008

BTRS Swap Bag Received!

Bend the Rules Sewing Swap Bag Received!
Hurray! I finally received my bag! I love it, it's black with yellow, and I lurve yellow. There was no note, and no name, so I am not sure if it was a swap angel or my original swap partner, but I love it either way, so thank you!


Rebecca said...

very fetching. i like it too! lucky you.

JuLo said...

Oooh, that bag is gorgeous! *jealous!*

Junie Moon said...

What a great bag and I love the bit of yellow against the black. It's like the first rays of the sun peeping out at the end of night.

Adrienne said...

It's from me! I was so late getting it out I rushed to mail it and didn't include a note. Sorry!! I hope the time you spent waiting was worth it.

I blogged about it here

Anonymous said...

The bag is supper cute! And I love your Dear Jane blocks.

Unknown said...

Oh that is gorgeous! What a fun suprise in the mail!

Ivy@PaperElixir said...

Ooh, love the yellow lining inside, bit of a peek-a-boo effect, sweet!

Oiyi said...

Pretty bag!!

flanthrower said...

That little bit of yellow is really neat. The fabric looks familiar...I wonder who makes it?

African Kelli said...

Ooh, love that! And it is so fun that there was no note. It's like the universe is giving you a great gift it knew you'd love.

Anonymous said...

I just now discovered the bag in the picture! My eyes didn't get, I thought the yellow blob was somehow involved in the bag, as a part of the bag...

It look lovely now!

Anonymous said...

the yellow lining is my ikea pillowcase. haha! that's really smart ^_^