Friday, November 14, 2008

NaBloPoMo: Day 14

Ok, so I tried to take photos of Lucy at the dog park today, but the sun already was too far down. The photos were pretty bad, but this one cracks me up. The first time I saw it, I thought there were 3 dogs! Lucy, the poodle, and some dog's butt. Later I realized that Lucy and the butt were the same loooooooong dog...


Ivy@PaperElixir said...

Ha ha! Their proportion is often illusion-generating, I don't blame you! :D

Ivy@PaperElixir said...

BTW, it's day 14 already! (I did that the other day too :P)

JuLo said...

Wow are we really halfway done already? This has been easier than I thought it would be! :p

Theo is super long too. LOL! That's such a cute picture. :)