Wednesday, November 5, 2008

NaBloPoMo: Day 5

Lucy covers
I just had to share this with you all. Last night, Lucy slept UNDER the covers. She started out on top, but in the middle of the night I woke up and realized there was a Lucy by my feet... under the covers! I think this gives me rights to make her sweaters since she's so cold that she sleeps under the blankets.

I love how she looks so guilty in the photo. Like she's doing the walk of shame...


flanthrower said...

Omg! The look on her face is just priceless! =) Yes, I do think that gives you grounds to make a sweater.

Anonymous said...

Aw that's so cute! It's a sign winter is near!

Kelly said...

haha, that's so cute! You must be a deep sleeper if you didn't notice her in action :)

Marisa said...

Your pup is so adorable and expressive! Super cute. What personality!!

FinnyKnits said...

Um, if my dog were that cute, I'd let her in the bed, too.

If my dog were also that small...I don't think there's room for Jada's 50 lbs in our bed ;)

Oiyi said...

Awww...she definitely needs a sweater.

rohanknitter said...

She is so cute!!
Our mini dachshund is always in bed with my oldest boy - under the covers. Hilarious!

Ivy@PaperElixir said...

Ha ha! That's too cute! Bryson would never sleep under the covers with us :( Is she turning into a cuddly girl? :)

JuLo said...

Look at that cute face!!! How can you resist anything and everything she wants??

I wish I could sleep with Theo under the covers with me. Lucky!